Menu Setup
CSS Dropdown Menu
Quasar is outfitted for support for a CSS driven dropdown menu. Setup is simple, just follow the instructions below:-
- Login into the Joomla administrator
- Go to Extensions → Module Manager
- Select the New button
- Select Menu from the list
- Set the Title to No; Set the Menu Name to mainmenu; Set Always show sub-menu items to yes
- Select either header-b → header-f as the position
Effectively, all you need to do is assign a Menu Module to the Header-B position.
How to create Child / Sublevel menu items in Joomla
In order for menu dropdowns in Moomenu and Suckerfish, and the dropline / side column items of Splitmenu to appear, you need to setup parent and child menu items.
- Login into the Joomla administrator
- Go to Menu → Menu Name
- Select a menu item that you wish to be in the dropdown
- Locate the Parent Item form
- Select the menu item that you wish for your item to appear under
- Save
Perform the same task for all menu items that you wish to be child items.